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Based on our practice of baptismal ministry, Immanuel has a unique form of parish leadership. We have two bodies who take leadership roles in different aspects of parish life: The Vestry and Ministry Support Team. We also have Ministry Area Leaders.

The Vestry


Our Vestry is an elected group of parishioners, charged with oversight of our buildings, finances and other administrative matters. The Vestry approves contracts, hires parish employees, and does strategic planning. Vestry members can serve a total of six years. Then they must take one year off before returning to this role. The Vestry usually meets once per month.


Nancy McAuliffe, Senior Warden

Marien Gage, Junior Warden 

James McAuliffe, Treasurer 

Scott Belt, Recording Secretary 

Elaine Farnsworth, Interim Clerk

Douglas MacPhee

Pete Harrison

The Vestry supports us all by making sure the buildings are in good repair, the bills are paid, the snow removed in winter and the church, and its congregation can exist into the indefinite future.

Ministry Support Team​


Our Ministry Support Team is made up of parishioners who have been commissioned or ordained by the bishop to serve the parish. They are charged with supporting the ministry of all members of the parish, leading and supporting each person to fully embrace their role as members of Christ's body.


The Rt. Rev. Dr. Shannon MacVean-Brown, Bishop of Vermont

The Rev. Steven Fuller SR, Priest, Preacher, Stewardship 

Scott Belt. Interim Administrator, Eucharistic Minister, Morning Prayer Leader

Pete Harrison, Eucharistic Minister, Morning Prayer Leader

, Religious Education

The Ministry Support Team reminds us of the reality of the ministry of all the baptized and it encourages and challenges us all to fulfill our various ministries in the congregation and the world.

Ministry Area Leaders


James McAuliffe and Vestry, Buildings & Grounds

The Rev. Steve Fuller. SR,  Worship, Outreach

Scott Belt, Worship,  Interim Administration,  Communications and Marketing

, Religious Education

Nancy McAuliffe, Elaine Farnsworth, Stewardship

Coordinated through Office, Pastoral Care 


For further information on the structure of our ministry at Immanuel Church and the role of the Ministry Area Leaders, see The Ministry Development Working Document: 
Ministry Development working document.pdf.


Scott Belt, Interim Parish Administrator

, Administrative Assistant

,Marien Gage, Junior Warden Buildings Maintenance, Grounds.

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